Recreating history...

Sunday, February 17, 2008 at 12:35 PM
When I was Sophie's age, I had a brown and white chihuahua named Ruffles. She was born two days before I was, the runt of the very last litter of chihuahuas my mom ever had as a breeder. I treated that dog like a baby doll, and she tolerated me, nestling into my armpit to sleep at night, and being fiercely protective of all of her family. When I was about 3, my mom took a picture of me kissing Ruffles in our wading pool.

I have been cleaning all morning and had just finished steaming the carpets in the bedroom half of the house. I came to check on the kids, and found Korben playing games on the gamecube, and Sophie outside with the dogs. I opened the door, and this is what I saw... Completely unrehearsed.

Sophie kisses a reluctant Sammy

Gir comes to investigate

Korben, being completely addicted to any kind of video games, stayed inside.

We've had several days of pretty intense rainstorms, and I hadn't realized the kids had dragged out the kiddie pool. Sophie even found a swimming suit in her drawer and put it on herself while I was steaming the carpet in my bathroom. What a stinker!

But anyway, we have a picture that almost exactly mirrors that first one. If I can find it, I'll scan it and post it, too.
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