Field Trip

Friday, February 29, 2008 at 12:45 AM

Last week, we headed to Galveston to see a children's play at the 1894 Grand Opera House. I kept Sophie out of school for the day so she could go, too.

Sophie, Melanie, Korben and Robbie waiting for the show to start.

This shot just makes me laugh, that Korben's weird face is the only thing in focus.

Sophie's new "camera smile" that she puts on whenever I ask her to say cheese.

Korben very soberly explains to Melanie that she should write him a love letter like the one she wrote to Daniel Radcliff.

Somehow, I don't think she's buying it.

Our View of the stage.

Sophie eagerly awaits the show.

Korben checks out what Keri's working on from behind Robbie.

Quinn, Taylor and the rest of the class were there, too.

The show was a play version of the children's story "The Velveteen Rabbit" - a favorite of mine when I was young. I remember being so sad that they had to burn all the boy's toys when he was sick. Anyway, just like last year's children's play, this was about 20 minutes too long for the kids, but it was a good experience anyway, and The Grand was awesome, as always. At least this year we were not on the balcony!

Dog Days

Sunday, February 17, 2008 at 2:04 PM

October's photos

at 2:01 PM
I somehow managed to miss posting my pictures from October here, so here are a few favorites.
For Halloween, Korben decided to be a dinosaur, and Sophie was a princess. We have a closet overflowing with dress-up clothes, so it was actually a pretty tough decision for both of them.

We make an annual trip to the local pumpkin patch each year, and this year I managed to wrangle Ryan into joining us.

Aren't they just SOOO CUTE?
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Recreating history...

at 12:35 PM
When I was Sophie's age, I had a brown and white chihuahua named Ruffles. She was born two days before I was, the runt of the very last litter of chihuahuas my mom ever had as a breeder. I treated that dog like a baby doll, and she tolerated me, nestling into my armpit to sleep at night, and being fiercely protective of all of her family. When I was about 3, my mom took a picture of me kissing Ruffles in our wading pool.

I have been cleaning all morning and had just finished steaming the carpets in the bedroom half of the house. I came to check on the kids, and found Korben playing games on the gamecube, and Sophie outside with the dogs. I opened the door, and this is what I saw... Completely unrehearsed.

Sophie kisses a reluctant Sammy

Gir comes to investigate

Korben, being completely addicted to any kind of video games, stayed inside.

We've had several days of pretty intense rainstorms, and I hadn't realized the kids had dragged out the kiddie pool. Sophie even found a swimming suit in her drawer and put it on herself while I was steaming the carpet in my bathroom. What a stinker!

But anyway, we have a picture that almost exactly mirrors that first one. If I can find it, I'll scan it and post it, too.
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