Happy Birthday Korben!

Monday, September 14, 2009 at 9:26 PM
I made a gigantic photo collage of Korben through the years. If you click on it, it'll take you to a gallery of the images used in the collage.

From Collages

I made a cake yesterday and Ryan frosted it/I decorated it last night. We gave Korben his family gifts just before dinner time - a DS game called "Legendary Starfy" and a fancy DS case that holds like 40 games or something ridiculous like that, and also has room for all his other accessories. Ruma gave him a Sonic the Hedgehog game for the wii.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009 at 10:14 PM
I want to win nifty shiny things, so I will tell you all that you should go to Girlpirate's shop and take a look at her awesome jewelry, and maybe buy some if you find something you like. Or shop for Christmas. I do! I've bought gifts from her the last two years. :)


Sophie's First day of school

Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at 7:40 AM

She starts her pre-k 4 class at the Catholic preschool down the street. This will be her third year at this school. She started making faces like she did last year but I told a joke and made her smile. :)