Sophie befriends a camel.

Thursday, April 17, 2008 at 8:28 PM
At the park, they give you buckets of feed to give the animals as you ride the tram through the enclosures. Some of the animals will eat out of the buckets, like ostriches, emus, and larger antelopes, cattle, and buffaloes. Others you throw the food to the ground for, like the deer and zebra. But the most gregarious, by far... the camels.




Sophie quite enjoyed herself.
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Wildlife park take 2

at 8:24 PM


Why are you eating my shirt?



The kids mug for photos...
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Wildlife Bayou Park in Alvin TX - School Field Trip Photos

at 8:21 PM

Sophie waits to see the animals.



"Look, it's a BUTT!"


"I'm going to touch the butt!"

The rest of the photos are in my April Album.
April 2008
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Easter pictures

at 8:18 PM

These are way late, but here are a couple of photos from the chaos of Easter morning, and two cute shots of Sophie with Daddy.
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