More holiday photos

Thursday, December 27, 2007 at 12:11 PM
Here we have a shot from Ryan of me with all three of my pooches. Sammy always looks at Ryan with that suspicious glare and worried wrinkle between her eyes.
I was telling Carrie on the phone last night that Sophie's absolute favorite thing in the world right now is her beanie-baby sized army of stuffed animals that she calls her "pets." She methodically lines them up for tea parties, meetings along the wall in the hallway, and in this case, a picnic in the living room on one of my dishtowels. She also sat watching TV and pulling faces, most of which involved contortions of her tongue that I thought only the giraffe could do. She's still a sweet baby, though, even when she's covered in sticky goo on her face.
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at 12:00 PM

Korben sort of skipped the "stockings first" rule and went right for the green-wrapped Santa presents. "It's the speeding guy from Justice League, just what I always wanted," he shouted.

Sophie moved with slightly more moderation, and enjoyed not only her presents, but watching Korben open his, as well.

Korben opening some gifts from Grandma's dogs - monsters and cars to fight each other!

Sophie chilling out with the only thing she really wanted for Christmas - a candy cane.
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